Monday, September 13, 2010

each day on my holiday

let's begin with sukabumi.
well, i love this place. it has many green grasses, beautiful farm, nice blue skies, fresh air which usually so hard to find in some cities. yeaaa, you knows, a city rarely gave us many of green plants. almost in all of their parts full of particular uses of building. of course we need more oxygen right? we need fresh air, not an air which spread out with a mix of fumes. so let me bring you to my holiday, it's not all about prestige, but it's all about having fun in a farm, and get a lot of fresh air. by this place, i started to learn some of plants type he he he, even only started from the little one. i learn about "padi" ;D

now, let's making some shape with "kembang api" haha i know it's kinda weird, but let me tell you ; since i was 5th years old, i love to play "kembang api" stuff. well, i don't even know why. but time by time while i'm growing up, i still love it but love it for making a graffiti, while taking a picts. this is some shape that i've made ;p

well, how about yours guys?

1 comment:

  1. hm, what a awesome story.
    But there are 2 correction for u.

    First, in English, there is no "padi", but u can changed it by "Paddy"
    then the second one, "kembang api" isn't exist, and u can changed it by "Firework"

    Well, that's my correction for u.
    You've made a good work.
    Keep posting the good ones, okay?

    ♥ from ur friend
