Monday, December 6, 2010

saturday (rainy+final test preparation+play)

it was a wet morning on saturday last week, and also a day for final test preparation. before, i'm planning to use a half day to study for the test. and when i woke up........... *my cellphones rang* and it was arlene (my friend). She said that she wanted to come to my house for study together. wooowww just like what me and my friends did on usual before these formal tests. i said, whooaa okay just come here, i'll wait. my doors are always open for'em. 

then i thought, it wouldn't be a study time when they came here. study = play. haha you know what i mean? 

around 1 pm they're arrived on my home and WE'RE NOT STUDY AT ALL. just like what i thought before. hahaha, yeesssssssss we're not study and we play around. we're a having some walk together and do some shoots. ;P

ate bubur ayam  on taman jajan, by walking from my house to TJ, while a lil bit rained. trust me, eat bubur ayam while raining taste better!

my neighbor, a lil cute boys : Efran (left side), and Efrel (right side)
they're so cutie! i love their smiles!! 
they showed me a clay that they've made; 
"do you wanna see tarantula?" "where?!" "here! i've made it!" 

i walked around that day with my comfy rubi flatshoes. i supposed to use my sandals, not this :(. look at them, they're dirty already because of the water splashed along the roads. 


we're not study, we're not study! and at the end, i studied on the next day, sunday. with no concentration at all. God blesses me on the test, and i just could hope my tests would all passed, with the help from Jesus' hands ;). 

when they went home, i continue to kak nova's sweet 17th party at night.. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

coffee, lomo, white, and brightened sun.

my dad's coffee

look at the soon, i really love it seriously, could i say "i super duper duper duper super duper super love it?" yes why not? ;). cause that sun (you can see from the pict no 1 above), really in the condition where it is shinning so bright. actually, before that photo's taken, me and my brother has a little chit chat about "loving ..... photo". and i was like, woww how about he takes me a pict with that theme? ting tong, yeah, here it is! ;)

had some coffee and jcool with my dad and my bro, and do a little shopping before.
anyway, my blackberry. well, i've already service my blackberry. because yesterday, the "space" keypad was fell out and i didn't even know where. i hope it won't fall out again later on ;(
and happily to say, it was alright again ;).

and, just thinking to make new designs starting this week. any idea?
anyway, did you guys having fun today? i hope you are. goodnight ;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

dress project : "moi, fée ballerine"

hey guys! i'm back with the newest dress project by me, which named "moi, fée ballerine" in navy blue. actually i've already made this dress for 2 colors, moss green and navy blue (which i wear on the photos above.) this navy blue was designed for my fella, gracia stefani. thanks a bunch for her and hope she love it as i do ;). i'm still on my progress to play with navy blue and most of calm colors, will be uploaded soon! ;)

photos by : joseph marandhika (my brother), edited by me 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

hope i could watch'em


hope on 12 november this year, i have no test or even try out and diagnostic test at school. i really want to watch temper trap concert sooner, that will be held on 12th november. i hope i'm free that time *crossing finger* ;p

Monday, September 13, 2010

each day on my holiday

let's begin with sukabumi.
well, i love this place. it has many green grasses, beautiful farm, nice blue skies, fresh air which usually so hard to find in some cities. yeaaa, you knows, a city rarely gave us many of green plants. almost in all of their parts full of particular uses of building. of course we need more oxygen right? we need fresh air, not an air which spread out with a mix of fumes. so let me bring you to my holiday, it's not all about prestige, but it's all about having fun in a farm, and get a lot of fresh air. by this place, i started to learn some of plants type he he he, even only started from the little one. i learn about "padi" ;D

now, let's making some shape with "kembang api" haha i know it's kinda weird, but let me tell you ; since i was 5th years old, i love to play "kembang api" stuff. well, i don't even know why. but time by time while i'm growing up, i still love it but love it for making a graffiti, while taking a picts. this is some shape that i've made ;p

well, how about yours guys?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

since this holiday so far..

the first thing i wanna say to all bloggers and readers is "hello!". well, kayaknya udah lumayan lama gue ga ngeblog disini (berasa lama, padahal blom ada satu bulan dari post sebelumnya.)
oke lanjut, anyway, selamat lebaran ya buat semua temen temen, keluarga, temen nyokap, temen bokap, temen kakak, mbak dirumah, all readers yang ngerayain. may you guys get more blessings from the highest one :).

dan pertama.
libur lebaran kali ini keluarga gue sepakat untuk gk pergi yang jauh jauh dulu, at least ke sukabumi sama ke bogor aja. sukabumi sukabumi sukabumi, disana gue (bisa dibilang) liburan bareng vina, adek kelas gue. yaaa surely i love the weather there! cuaca dan udara disana itu refreshing banget, serasa perth (oke yang pasti sukabumi itu versi indonesianya ahaha). gue nginep disana slama 2 malem and i want more actually ;D. gimana ya, udaranya bikin gue ga mau pulang, bener-bener refreshing banget dan cocok banget buat orang yang terutama sering kena macet di jakarta (oke, ini gk nyambung). pertama-tama, gue ke sukabumi juga ada tujuan untuk project photography gue. well, karna disana pemandangannya bagus dan asri banget, pasti bakal bagus buat spot foto untuk project fotografi. tapi sayangnya, i left my camera at home. jujur, gue keseeel dan mikir "kenapa yang ketinggalan harus cameranya? kenapa ga yang lain aja?" aaaah it was my weakness, how can i say, i'm a forgetful person really! dan berharap kebiasaan lupa ini ga sampe gede, yea for sure.
untungnya, vina bawa camera juga so gue masih bisa kerjain tugas fotografi gue, thanks banget buat vina ;). bener bener gue ngerasa vina jadi hero gue waktu itu. (okee ini lebay haha)
selesai kerjain fotografi, gue vina dan kakaknya vina (kak maria) lanjutin buat foto-foto disana hehehe. nanti fotonya akan gue post di next post ya..
besoknya, gue ke bogor subuh-subuh and such a grateful moments being with vina's family there, thankyou :).

gue nginep dirumah oma yang di bogor, i also love bogor, the weather and the foods. that's why this holiday my weight have just increasing. dan yang pasti gue rahasiakan gue naik berapa kilo.
to be honest, i eat many many foods since ramadhan holiday begin. dan waktu gue nimbang dirumah oma (yaa waktu itu kondisinya gue baru slesai makan siang dan nimbang). hasilnya mengecewakan, gue naik ...... kilo. oke, skarang waktunya nurunin berat badan biar bisa balik ke berat awal gue sebelum libur lebaran. and it was hard :(
papa bingung pas tau anaknya jadi rajin lari pagi, treatmill di tempat fitness, swimming, cycling, ya tau kan sebabnya kenapa -___-. and my dad actually loves to disturb me with this kinda sentences "mit, ayo makan carls jr". yaaa it was my most favorite burger ever, dan pastinya gue jawab "pa..................".
"oh iya lupa mitt ahaha" kata papa
ya ternyata susah ya buat jaga pola makan, bener-bener terlalu banyak godaan. dulu gue sempet coba untuk jadi vegetarian karna waktu itu gue sering sakit-sakitan dan cuma vegetables lah obatnya. saat itu, my boyfie ngedukung banget supaya gue jadi vegetarian. but at the end, it doesn't really work at all.
i realize that i can't even swallow any vegetables into my stomach. if it is possible, maybe only some kinda spinach, carrots, beans, etc.
and now, i've just change vegetables into fruits, which every morning i have to drink any of juice to replace vegie. i think if you hate vegetable, you could try my advice to replace vegetables with fruits or try to drink vegie juice in "avantie can cook". ahaha, itu semacem campuran sayuran yang di blend sama beberapa buah, rasanya enak, recommended. dan sayangnya lagi lagi gue lupa namanya...
siapa tau dari juice itu kalian yang gasuka sayur jadi doyan? just like magic. who knows? :D

segini dulu ya ceritanya. later on, if i have time, i will continue it on the next post.
thanks for reading the part of my stories, goodnight everyone! ;))

quote of this day : "you have to have confidence in your ability, and be tough enough to follow through." - Rosalynn Carter

Sunday, August 29, 2010

hey, thanks!

i've just got this award from fina. thankyou so much dear for this award ;)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

use grey, brown, pink, purple, white and black!

let me tell you, it's all about 2 days ago. anyway what'cha guys doing? first, i wanna say hello (ya i forget!) are you guys all fine? i hope for it of course he he he. i'm such a bad blogger right? :( sorry i rarely post something here, cause a busy things such as homeworks and projects all around the days. and i'm free today (i mean from homeworks) so i could post something here.

this is all about two days ago. to days ago? it's sunday. this is what i actually do on sunday with my family ;) :

my monthly moods.

hand-made bracelets

attending indonesia international motor show.
it was awesome! loving all the cars there (*too bad i left my camera in my car, so i can't take any photos there :( )

my sister while she was drink her water.

in my moods to listen to katy perry songs, especially this one "ur so gay".

notes : use grey, brown, purple, white and black in this august, those colors just looks good. and try to find out more about ethnic and local brands! loving indonesia right? proof it guys :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

old city, senses of art

i went to batavia yesterday with some of my friends. actually i still catch there for once, and my first impression was quite good. the places is good for taking a lot of picts which contains the sense of art. many foreigner there which went to the museum to get the history of the place is. my friends and me also tried to get in to the museum and the tour guide was tells us about the history of the white building (poor me i forget the name *forgive me haha). and there was the scary story begins... ha ha ha i can't tell it here, it's too scary, here is some of the picts taken there..

(me with cica)

and enjoying some hot chocolate at cafe batavia, i told you that i love this place :).

Sunday, July 11, 2010

dear moza, gracias!

my design in dark green satin, thanks moza for wearing it. love!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

welcome light shoes and LCMDF as now my fave :)

going out at night with those stripy shirts, get some stockings and light-colored shoes. --> it's red! just got it at citos last week and absolutely love the color. no no actually i don't really love red, but who knows if maybe i'll love red? :p

just got something to read, finally :)

nylon july edition

LCMDF! (found it from nylon magazine) i'm sure you will love it if you're a pop-british-electro lovers. check their myspace here
i suggest you to listen to "rayban glasses" it's really cool! don't forget to check asap, because i think they'll be really famous on next year or maybe the next, or maybe this year. no no but i'm not a soothsayer haha, i just predict he he but really i do love their songs :)

and new novels to read : secret garden. and don't judge a girl by her cover by Ally Carter

guys, tomorrow is my report distribution day, really i'm scared, probably gotta get some bad marks AAAAAAA. just wish for a "luck" then :(.

goodnight, anyway happy holiday!